Chris Dancy: Becoming a Mindful Cyborg

November 2, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Biomed B103

In a world of rising anxiety and commodified attention, itā€™s easy to distrust our devices. But what if putting away our phones wonā€™t fix our problems? What if the pathway to wellness requires not unplugging but connecting differently? Join author, entrepreneur, and technologist Chris Dancy to discover why heā€™s become a mindful cyborg. Christopher Dancy has been called ā€œthe worldā€™s most connected human.ā€ As part of an ambitious health and wellness experiment on himself, he utilizes up to 700 sensors, diagnostic services, and tracking apps to measure and optimize every aspect of his life, from caloric intake to well-being. His work has been featured in Businessweek, BBC, Wired, and the Wall Street Journal, as well as the Showtime documentary Dark Net (2016). He is the author of Donā€™t Unplug: How Technology Saved My Life and Can Save Yours Too. Sponsored by Kamehameha Schools Data Science Institute, 51ĀŅĀ×»»ĘŽi Data Science Institute, the NSF INCLUDES Alliance, and the UH Better Tomorrow Speaker Series.

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Event Sponsor
UH Better Tomorrow Speaker Series, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Robert Perkinson, (808)351-8076,,

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