Conflict of Interest
Employees should refrain from participating in non-university activity when such activity does not allow for the proper execution of their university duties and/or creates a conflict of interest or commitment. Any such conflict, whether actual or potential, should be disclosed in accordance with university policy. Each actual or potential conflict is unique and employees are encouraged to review the related university policy (see below) and consult with supervisors, responsible campus parties, or the University Ethics Officer as necessary.
Examples of Conflict of Commitment and/or Interest:
- You have or your spouse has a university contract or a significant financial interest in a company doing business with the university.
- An opportunity for you to advance personally conflicts with the action that would be in the best interest of the university.
- You have a conflicting interest, such a second position outside of the university that interferes with your ability to satisfy your university duties and responsibilities.
- You abuse your position and authority to divert university business to a private interest or for personal financial gain.
*Examples above originated from the 2018 Ethics New Hire Training which were compliments of the agreement between all public universities, spearheaded by the University of Illinois.
The University’s Policies on Conflict of Interests for employees can be found at:
Board of Trustees
SIUC (including SOM)
For more information on the SIUC policy, please contact SIUC Labor and Employee Relations at 618-453-6691.
For more information on the SOM COI policy above, please contact Katherine Cohen at 217-545-8532.
For more information on this SIUC policy, please contact the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration at 618-453-4540.
For more information on the 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ COI policy, please contact the Graduate School at 618-650-3010.