Flower Art a la O’Keeffe (Workshop for families)

November 19, 10:00am - 11:30am
Mānoa Campus, Lyon Arboretum, 3860 Manoa Rd

Flower Art a la O’Keeffe: In this creative environmental art class, students will become familiar with the artwork of Georgia O’Keeffe as inspiration for enlarged oil pastel flower drawings they create. Careful observation skills will be practiced as students dissect and examine flowers to deepen their appreciation and understanding of nature’s beauty.

Ages 8 and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult, who should plan to be present for–and participate in–the activity.

Full information about our classes is available on our website: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/lyon/2022/06/27/2022-summer-and-fall-community-classes/

Event Sponsor
Lyon Arboretum, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Lyon Arboretum Education, 8089880461, educationlyonarboretum@gmail.com,

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