Section 1: Academic Program, Degrees, and Awards
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- Mission and Scope Statements
- Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University is one university with multiple campuses, including Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and is the only senior system of higher education serving the people of the southern half of the State of Illinois. It is a comprehensive university, with medical, dental, and law schools, and with degree programs from the associate to the professional and doctoral levels. As it has grown and flourished, SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ have developed comprehensive programs of instruction, research, and public service which have attracted students, faculty, and staff not only from the region but from throughout the state and nation, and from overseas as well. In properly and rigorously meeting its regional responsibilities, it has brought and will continue to bring educational distinction to southern Illinois and to the State as a whole. The University's diversity and comprehensiveness are manifest in SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ. Both offer the standard range of undergraduate programs, and both work cooperatively with the public schools and community colleges in their respective areas. Southern Illinois University Carbondale, as the older of the two, has developed broad and carefully monitored graduate and research programs of high quality; and its public service and continuing education components have been guided by its location in a region of small communities, farms, and mines. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has strong master's level, specialist, and research programs, and its location in the second largest population center in the State governs the urban-oriented nature of its public service and continuing education programs. In these challenging times, Southern Illinois University is pledged: (3/13/03)
- to maintain the high quality of its programs of instruction, research, and public service;
- to monitor judiciously the development of and addition to these programs; and
- to sustain, through these programs, its diverse and comprehensive educational contribution to the people of Southern Illinois, the State, and the nation.
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is a student-centered educational community dedicated to communicating, expanding and integrating knowledge. In a spirit of collaboration enriched by diverse ideas, our comprehensive and unique array of undergraduate and graduate programs develops professionals, scholars and leaders who shape a changing world. (3/13/03, 09/12/13)
- SIU embraces a unique tradition of access and opportunity, inclusive excellence, innovation in research and creativity, and outstanding teaching focused on nurturing student success. As a nationally ranked public research university and regional economic catalyst, we create and exchange knowledge to shape future leaders, improve our communities, and transform lives. (3/13/03, 7/11/13)
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- Policies on Approval of Educational Units, Curricula, and Degrees
Pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of its Statutes the Board has the following policies:
- Any new educational units, curricula, or degrees proposed are authorized only for the proposing campus, and separate approval is required for any other campus to establish the same.
- Authority is delegated to the President of Southern Illinois University to approve the changes in the titles of programs, units, and degrees; the addition or elimination of specializations, options, or concentrations within existing academic majors; administrative reorganizations which do not effectively increase the number of units of instruction, research, or public service; and requests from SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ for approval of off-campus program locations.
- Dual Degree Title: Past or future approval of a Bachelor of Arts or a Master of Arts degree for a specific degree program shall also include approval of a Bachelor of Science or a Master of Science degree for the same degree program, and vice versa. Changes made under this policy will be reported annually to the Board of Trustees through the campus program inventories.
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- Program Inventories
The Office of the President shall maintain an inventory of all academic degree programs approved by the Board of Trustees and the IBHE including all approved specializations, options, or concentrations included within those programs. The inventory shall be by campus and in a format determined by the Office of the President. It shall be brought up to date annually not later than September 1.
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- Degrees, Certificates, and Awards
- Earned Degrees and Certificates
- The Board of Trustees shall award earned degrees upon completion of requirements for the particular degree to be awarded and upon recommendation to the Chancellor by the appropriate college, division, or school faculty. SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ shall maintain an annual record of degrees awarded.
- The Office of the President shall maintain an inventory of all degree titles approved by the Board of Trustees and the IBHE. The inventory shall be by campus and shall be brought up to date annually not later than September 1.
- Upon recommendation of the appropriate faculty and Chancellor, degrees may be awarded posthumously to any student who, at the time of death, has substantially completed the work for a degree. SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ shall file guidelines in the Office of the President for implementing this policy. (3/13/03)
- Certificates for completion of programs of work that do not lead to academic degrees shall be awarded, upon recommendation of the educational unit concerned, by the respective chancellors under general authority of the Board of Trustees. (3/13/03)
- A student shall not be eligible for the award of a degree, or certificate of program completion, while the student's appeal of a disciplinary sanction is pending. (7/97)
- Honorary Degrees. The Board of Trustees shall award honorary degrees based on the recommendations from the respective faculty, the Chancellor, and the President
- Such degrees shall normally be awarded at the Spring, rather than the Summer, commencement if two commencements are held annually. As the purpose is to limit honorary degrees ordinarily to one commencement and awards to the other, the order might be reversed; in either case, exceptions can be made if the recipients cannot attend at the time desired. Such degrees may also be awarded at special convocations or unique events. (5/14/98)
- The number of honorary degrees awarded should be small and need not be awarded every year. (3/13/03)
- Candidates for honorary degrees may be nominated through appropriate campus procedures after opportunity has been given to faculty members to suggest names for consideration. Nominations from faculty members and others should be forwarded through appropriate University channels. Final nominations with a list of names considered should be sent to the Chancellors not later than December 15. (3/13/03)
- A candidate may be any person who has achieved great eminence in a field of endeavor or who has made significant contributions to educational, cultural, scientific, economic, or humanitarian activity. (3/13/03)
- Other Awards. The Board of Trustees shall award Southern Illinois University Distinguished Service Awards based on recommendations from the respective faculty, the Chancellor, and the President. (3/13/03)
- Except as noted below, policies regarding determination of candidates for these awards shall be the same as those set forth above for honorary degrees.
- These awards shall be made for outstanding or unusual service to Southern Illinois, to the State, to the nation, to the world, and/or to the University. (5/14/98)
- At special convocations or unique events when candidates are nominated for University-wide honorary degrees or Distinguished Service Awards, nominations from faculty members and others should be forwarded to the appropriate campus committee. Final nominations should be sent to the President. (5/14/98)
- Other special awards shall be made upon a favorable vote of the Board of Trustees upon its own motion or upon approval of recommendations from the President and the Chancellors, who may receive nominations from faculty or alumni groups.
- In order to protect the nomination and screening process outlined in paragraphs a-c, above, every effort will be made to preserve the confidentiality of the nominee and no publicity shall be issued regarding the nominee until final approval has been granted by the Board of Trustees.
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- Admission Policies and Graduation Requirements
- Admission Policies
- Relying upon the original jurisdiction of the faculty in such matters each Chancellor is authorized to approve regulations for SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ dealing with admission of undergraduates, graduate, and professional students.
- Such regulations and any amendments shall become effective when approved by the President. (3/13/03)
- Such regulations shall be aimed at establishing and preserving the academic validity and integrity of SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ, and shall establish the conditions and requirements which must be met for academic and other reasons to constitute admission to SIUC or 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ or to special undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs within SIUC or 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ; shall provide for the enrollment process; shall provide in the interest of effective academic practice for closing admissions to programs and ceasing the processing of applications; shall establish academic and program standards for admission of students to the University and to baccalaureate and associate degree programs, for admission of students to the Graduate School and to master's, specialist, doctoral, and professional programs, and for readmission of former students; and shall provide specific means for recognizing exceptional students or the special needs represented by admission requirements of special programs.
- Graduation Requirements
- Relying upon the original jurisdiction of the faculty in such matters, each Chancellor is authorized to approve regulations stating the requirements for graduation from undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs.
- Such regulations and any amendments shall become effective when approved by the President. (3/13/03)
- Such regulations shall be aimed at establishing and preserving the academic validity and integrity of SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ, and shall establish the conditions and requirements which must be met for graduation from an academic program at the associate, baccalaureate, graduate, or professional levels.