Since summer 2022, the Implementation Teams have been actively engaged in the oversight and reporting of their respective objectives. Each Implementation Team will submit four reports per year to the Center for Predictive Analytics. Two reports will include both narrative and data submissions for inclusion in formal reports to the BOT. The remaining two reports will consist of narrative updates to share progress, success stories, as well as potential opportunities and barriers. The President’s Office will formally update the BOT with a written report and presentation at two meetings per year, while highlighting the work of one Implementation Team during each BOT meeting. Together, these success stories, reports and the SIU System Strategic Plan dashboard are intended to tell the story of what each campus is doing individually and doing together to advance the SIU System. Through their combined efforts and detailed reporting of progress, the implementation teams are building a strong foundation to build on each campuses unique strengths and expand the collective impact of the SIU System.
Throughout 2023, the Center for Predictive Analytics has worked with each implementation team to identify its top priorities for Years 1 and 2 of the Strategic Plan, with timelines for priority activities. The teams are continuing to refine their proposed metrics to accurately reflect progress toward their respective strategies and objectives through both quantitative and qualitative measures. The teams are also working to establish effective collaboration strategies, including bringing together additional campus stakeholders to help advance progress, such as asset mapping processes and the development of common policies and procedures. With this groundwork laid, the teams will continue to build upon their strategies in Years 2-5 of the Strategic Plan to demonstrate progress toward the overall goals.
All teams are working to better share and promote their successes to internal and external audiences through narrative updates and a comprehensive marketing and communications plan. While many teams may not yet be to a level of implementation where data and metrics clearly reflect their progress, all teams have success stories and achievements which can be shared to highlight the results of their efforts. With support from Team 8: Marketing and Communications, as well as the Center for Predictive Analytics, the Strategic Plan Dashboard and Reports will be complimented by news releases, social media updates, and narrative summaries to better reflect the breadth and depth of their work beyond quantitative metrics.