University Guidelines
Section 3.6 Financial Services: Personnel - Salary Administration Guidelines
Issued: September 2022
Replaces: May 2022
The Board of Trustees
(Statutes of the Board of Trustees, Article II, Section6, and By laws of the Board of Trustees, Article II, Section 5)
- Sets the initial salary and compensation and approves any subsequent salary and compensation changes for the President.
- On recommendation of the President, sets the initial salary and compensation and approves any subsequent salary and compensation changes for the Chancellors and for the SIU School of Medicine, by the Dean and Provost of the medical school.
- With concurrence of the Finance Committee, the salary of the Executive Secretary shall be established by the President.
The Finance Committee
(Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Article III, Section 3)
- On recommendation of the President, reviews and approves the initial salary and compensation and any subsequent salary and compensation changes for all Board- appointed Officers (Board Treasurer, General Counsel, Board Executive Secretary).
- On recommendation of the President, reviews and approves the initial salary and compensation and any subsequent salary and compensation changes, except for raises from salary pools established during budget development, for all Board-appointed officers, all Administrative and Professional Staff Employees in the Office of the President, the Vice Chancellors at SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ, and the Dean and Provost of the SIU School of Medicine.
The President
- Recommends to the Board of Trustees the initial salary and other compensation and any subsequent changes in salary and compensation for the Vice Chancellors at SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ, and the Dean and Provost of the SIU School of Medicine.
- Recommends to the Finance Committee the initial salary and other compensation and any subsequent changes in salary and other compensation for all Board-appointed Officers and for Administrative and Professional Staff employees in the Office of the President.
- For initial appointments, the President shall submit a Board Matter for ratification by the Board of Trustees, in accordance with Board Policy on Personnel Approval (2 Policies of the Board B).
- Annual salary increase recommendations for these employees shall be submitted for Finance Committee approval in an annual salary increase report.
- Out-of-season recommendationsfor salary and other compensation changes shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for approval.
3. Recommends to the Finance Committee the initial salary and other compensation and any subsequent changes in salary and other compensation, except for raises from salary pools established during budget development, for all Board-appointed officers, all Administrative and Professional Staff Employees in the Office of the President, the Vice Chancellors at SIUC and 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ, and the Dean and Provost of the SIU School of Medicine.
- The President and the Chancellor shall agree on a title, salary range, and any other compensation before final negotiation with a candidate is undertaken. For initial appointments, upon approval of the President, the campus Chancellors shall submit the appropriate Board Matter for ratification by the Board of Trustees.
- Annual salary increase recommendations for these employees shall be submitted to the President for approval and recommendation to the Finance Committee.
- Out-of-season salary, compensation or title changes shall be submitted to the President for approval and for recommendation to the Finance Committee prior to any public announcement of such changes.
4. Upon recommendation of a Chancellor, reviews and approves initial title, salary, and other compensation and any subsequent changes in title, salary and other compensation for Administrative and Professional Staff employees who are within two reporting levels ofthe Chancellor (except as noted above).
- The President and the Chancellor shall agree on a title, salary range, and any other compensation before final negotiation with a candidate is undertaken. The initial salary recommendation should be based on internal and external peer comparisons as appropriate to the position. These comparisons should be conducted by a delegate of the President's Office.
- When final negotiation is completed, the Chancellor shall submit the Board Matter relative to the initial appointment of these employees for ratification by the Board of Trustees, in accordance with Board Policy on Personnel Approval (2 Policies of the Board B. )
- Annual salary increase recommendations for these employees shall be submitted by the Chancellors for approval by the President in an annual salary increase report. Such increases shall be awarded according to Board guidelines to address inflation, longevity, merit, and excellence.
- Out-of-season recommendations for salary, title, and other compensation changes shall be submitted to the President for approval. Salary recommendations should be based on a thorough analysis, using internal and external peer comparisons as appropriate. Special adjustments to address equity, attainment of pertinent educational credentials, extraordinary merit, or other factors must also be based on a thorough analysis, and should be timed to occur with annual salary increases, if possible. Upon approval of the President, the campus Chancellors shall submit the appropriate Board Matter for ratification by the Board of Trustees.
- Salary recommendations (initial and subsequent) must be accompanied by supporting written justification.