Public comment sought as part of SIU System strategic plan development
January 26, 2021
Members of the SIU community: Work on a strategic plan for the 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ continues with an invitation for public comment on drafts of a mission statement, vision statement and key themes. The drafts were developed following a survey of faculty, staff, students, alumni and others regarding potential initiatives that might be included in the plan. Based on this feedback, the system-wide has developed a proposed mission statement, vision statement, and five general themes and accompanying statements that will serve as the foundation for specific goals to be developed. The proposed mission, vision and goal themes can be found on the system . Individuals can provide feedback or by participating in one of two virtual public comment town halls. The town halls will be held on Feb. 15 from noon to 1 p.m. and Feb. 17 from 5 to 6 p.m. During the sessions, committee members will review the strategic planning process and receive questions as well as feedback from participants. The online feedback form and links to join the virtual town halls are available on the . The online public comment period ends Feb. 5. Our goal is to have the SIU System Strategic Plan completed this summer. The SIU System is made up of Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. It includes the Schools of Medicine and Law affiliated with SIU Carbondale and the Schools of Dental Medicine and Pharmacy as well as the East St. Louis Center affiliated with SIU Edwardsville. Sincerely, Vice President for Academic Innovation, Planning and Partnerships, SIU System |